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Post-concert memo from MAESTRO ARMITAGE
Dear Denison Singers,
On behalf of all of us at Augsburg Lutheran Church I thank you for your presence with us this past weekend. That such a biennial gathering takes place at all is a testament to your affection for Bill Osborne, one another, and the important role the choir has played in your lives. And that you would choose to spend it in Winston-Salem is a special blessing for us. A special thanks also goes all of you who were soloists, to Todd for stepping in as liturgist and cantor on Sunday morning (something I doubt he expected to do as he traveled out here!), to Susan for so elegantly playing the organ, and to Bob for his gracious and kind remarks at the Kooken's home on Sunday evening. You all are a remarkable group of folks, and such a joy to work with. All of us are grateful you were here, and look forward to the next time.
I trust you all had safe travel home and pray that God will bless you richly in the months and years ahead.
Don Armitage
Schedule for The Denison Singers gathering at Augsburg Lutheran Church, Winston-Salem, April 2008
Thursday, April 17
7:30-9:30: Rehearsal
Friday, April 18
10-noon: Lunch, chez WO
2:30-4:30: Rehearsal
7:30-9:30: Rehearsal w/Augsburg Choir
Party after, chez Bill Stevens
Saturday, April 19
9:30-11:30: Rehearsal w/brass
6:00: Drinks, dinner, chez WO
Sunday, April 20
10:00 Warm-up
11:00: Service, w/2 independent pieces
Lunch at church
2:00-2:30: Touch-up w/brass
3:00-4:15: Concert
Reception/supper after (for those able to linger), chez Ruth Kooken
Housing was provided for those who desired it. A packet of scores was mailed to participants by early March.
April 17-20
Denison Singers alumni rehearse and party in Winston-Salem, NC April 17-20, 2008
Valerie Bertoglio '69
Sarah Enterline '02
Judith Hildesley '66
Clare Hutchinson '03
Marnie Kruse '86
Stephanie Robinson '87
Karen Walker '70
Elizabeth Wright '87
Susan Billin '69
Leila Carlson '64
Susan Engle '72
Heidi Flanagan '83
Margaret Karns '65
Tracy Miller '83
Meredith Needham '78
Corey Babb '04
Michael Daugherty '71
James Gentner '70
Kenneth Horner '84
Richard Kauffman '86
Scott Kruse '89
Jeffrey Langner '02
John Leistler '86
Perry Mixter '78
William Nexbitt '78
Jack Stopa '03
Tom Bridge '00
Clifford Davis '72
Michael Fauss '72
Robert Palmer '73
Todd Sullivan '83
Post-concert note from the Wize & Wizardly WO:
What a grand, memorable experience it was. It's truly remarkable how much splendid music we managed to make in those few days, extremely hard work interlarded with lots of spirited, witty conversations and intense socializing. It's still amazing to me how much we operate as an extended family, with real affection and concern for one another. And what a wonderful diversity of personalities and careers! I can't tell you how much it lifts my spirits to have so many of you come such distances (some of them obviously quite extreme) at great expense of time and effort. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. And be assured that again you won many friends here in this friendly community. I heard numerous raves about both the morning service and afternoon concert.
About the future: As I understand the general consensus at the moment, there is a general sentiment that we ought to congregate in Granville during late June 2011 to mark the golden anniversary of the creation of the group in 1961. There also seemed to be agreement that at least those gathered here last weekend didn't want to wait a full three years before making music again. I don't think that Don and Bill Stevens are quite ready to commit themselves to another festival two years from now, even though their senior pastor has urged us to consider such a venture. The less likely alternative scenario would be a collaborative venture with the Piedmont Chamber Singers either that spring or the preceding October. Lots of "ifs," of course, including my continued good health. But, let me have your thoughts while this recent experience is still fresh; also talk it over with your peers who weren't here.
In the meantime, my abundant gratitude for enriching my life. As with Don, I trust that you all had a safe and uneventful trip home.
All the best,
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